Monday, August 10, 2015

Power Food


Are you hungry?
If not I promise you will be:)
Today let's focus on what to eat to keep your energy up and to be healthy.
You are what you eat, so don't put trash/junk inside your body.
If you eat right you will be energized and ready for challenges.
Good food works for your body, skin, hair and mind.
So eat right, stay active and sleep well.

I'm not a certified specialist (not yet at least ;) ), but I try to experiment and check what works best for me.
I don't eat meat, and I'm a pretty active person.
I need a lot of food to keep me going through the day.
And let's be honest I just love to eat.
Who doesn't?
Here is an example of my daily meal plan.
Coconut oatmeal with chia seeds, almonds and bananas.

Pretty easy thing to put into your bowl (and belly) in the morning.
It's quick and will keep you full for a long time.
Put oatmeal into a bowl and mix it with coconut milk - leave it overnight for the oatmeal to soften.
In the morning: cut in some bananas, add a fist full of almonds and sprinkle with chia seeds.
Add a spoon of chunky peanut butter for more protein.
Since I'm a vegetarian i need to make sure I eat enough plant based protein.
(I do eat fish and sea food from time to time)

2. First Snack
Green Smoothie

If you feel like you need more energy, don't drink more coffee or Redbull, go ahead and drink D's special green smoothie : ) - edited by J.
It will keep you alert and full until the lunch time.
Blend coconut water / water or fresh squeezed orange juice with fist of spinach or kale, pineapple, banana and mango.
The sweet taste of  fruits will balance the grassiness of the spinach and kale.
There are tons of green smoothie recipes so be creative and power up with some plant energy!
You can also blend the smoothie the day before and put it in a jar.
Make sure you add some lemon juice to keep it fresh and preserve it!
3. Lunch
Vegan tomato basil soup

Craving some creamy and comforting soup?
Vegan tomato basil is the healthy alternative for the heavy, creamy and greasy one.
And you can eat as much as you want!
Sautee onions and garlic in the pot.
Put tomatoes in a bowl and add boiling water to remove the skin easier.
Chop carrots and tomatoes.
Throw it in the pot.
Add some water
Cook for about 30 min.
Meanwhile cook peeled potatoes until soft.
Add spices: salt garlic powder, dried parsley, pepper.
Transfer everything into the food processor.
Add some fresh basil.
Blend until you reach consistency of a smooth cream.
Just water and vegetables but surprisingly filling and nutritious.
4. Second Snack
Fresh squeezed juice

You can make it at home but there are tons of places you can pick it up while on the go.
Mix it as you want but try to go with some veggie mixes.
I like beets, carrots and oranges.
Beets clear the blood and are great antioxidants.
Carrots make your skin glow and healthy.
Orange is a good source of vitamin.C.
All together it makes a vitamin bomb that your body will thank you for.
5. Dinner
Juevos rancheros

Living in the Mission will sooner or later inspire you.
It's full of Mexican food, and I can see it influencing my tastes!
Heat up corn tortillas on the pan with some cheese on the top.
Let it melt and put on some salsa: chopped tomatoes, onions and cilantro.
Cover with avocado chunks and sunny side up eggs.
Make sure the eggs come from happy chickens.
Put some more chopped tomatoes and cilantro on top.
Sprinkle with lime.
Yum Yum
For a vegan option skip eggs and cheese and put some beans with brown rice instead (good source of protein and fiber). all takes less than 30 min. to cook.
Make sure you hydrate a lot!

A few photos from Northern Corgifornia Corgi meeting.
Over 500 corgi dogs playing on the Ocean Beach in San Francisco.
I'm in love!
P.S Next episode->Death Valley

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Let's get stuffed! Vegetarian stuffed veggies


Just came up with an idea for a short and quick post, inspired by last night's dinner.
Perfect for combining comfort food cravings and healthy eating when you feel inspired and want to surprise your guests with an unusual dinner idea.
Great for late summer nights with a glass of good Chardonnay or just a chill evening in front of the TV with a 'Chopped' marathon in session ;)
Let's get started:

Dumajac nad kolejnymi kulinarnymi dzielami wpadlam na pomysl, zeby podzielic sie z Wami wczorajszym obiadem- a konkretniej przepisem:)
Jezeli macie ochote na smaczne, a zarazem zdrowe jedzenie lub chcecie zaskoczyc gosci "innym" spojrzeniem na nudny obiad, nadziewane warzywa beda idealnym pomyslem.
Mam w glowie wizje poznego obiadu na werandzie w ciepla, wakacyjna noc przy lampce dobrego Chardonnay'lub jak my, przed tv w miejskiej dzunglii, ogladajac kolejny maraton "Chopped".
Ale powrocmy do kuchni:

Stuffed tomatoes & bell peppers

Preparation: 30 min
Baking: 50 min

Large tomatoes
Bell peppers
Yellow onion
Fresh Italian parsley
Brown rice
Spices (kosher salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder)
Olive oil
Mozzarella cheese (optional)
Egg (optional)

Cook the brown rice until it's nice and soft.
Chop the onions, mushrooms, garlic, Italian parsley and sautee them with some olive oil.
I like to sprinkle some salt, pepper and garlic powder on top as well.
Mix it all with cooked rice, fresh chopped parsley, shredded mozzarella cheese, spices, and eggs.
Eggs and cheese are optional but they bring a nice, comforting flavor to the stuffing.

Cut out the very top of the tomatoes and bell peppers.
Cut out the insides.
For the tomatoes I cut out a circle and dig inside with a spoon.
Rub some olive oil on the outside.
Stuff the veggies with the mixture and put them on the baking platter.
Cook for 45 min at 400°F.
Before taking it out, sprinkle a good amount of mozzarella cheese on top and let it melt.
For a vegan version of the recipe just get rid of the cheese and egg.

Baked tomatoes release this insane taste and smell that reminds me of the fields full of these ripe and flavorful vegetables touched by the sun.

Nadziewane pomidory i papryka


Duze pomidory
Natka pietruszki
Brazowy ryz
Oliwa z oliwek
Opcjonalnie: ser mozzarella i jajko


Brazowy ryz ugotowac do miekkosci.
Posiekane: cebule, czosnek, natke, oraz pieczarki delikatnie podsmazyc na lyzce oliwy z oliwek.
Zwykle do tej mieszanki dodaje sol, pieprz oraz sproszkowany czosnek.
Calosc zmieszac z ryzem, posiekana swieza natka, przyprawami oraz starta mozzarella,a na koniec wbic jajko.
Ser i jajka sa opcjonalne, ale sprawiaja ze farsz nabiera kremowego charakteru.
W wersji weganskiej wystrczy pozbyc sie sera i jajka.

Pomidorom i papryce odciac tzw. czapeczke.
Wydrazyc miazsz i srodek.
Pomidorki zwykle obkrawam dookola, a miazsz wydlubuje lyzeczka.
Warzywa posmarowac z wierzchu oliwa i nadziac farszem.
Piec przez ok.45 min. w temperaturze 200°C.
Przed wyjeciem z piekarnika po podniesieniu czapeczki, dodac ser coby:) ladnie sie stopil.
Pieczone pomidory wydzielaja niesamowity smak i za,pach, ktory przenosi nas na pola tych idealnie dojrzalych warzyw skapanych w sloncu.

P.S. Power up foods are still up in the next episode!

P.S W nastepnym odcinku powracamy do tematu, co jesc by byc bomba....energetyczna!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Juicy Car Road Trip: Arizona-Utah-Colorado-New Mexico


High time to catch up on some trips from last year.
Continuing our Juicy Car road trip we drove up to Colorado and Utah to see some nice places.
We didn't do any hiking because our trip was more like camping, but still the views were breathtaking.

Czas najwyzszy nadrobic zaleglosci z zeszlego roku.
Czesc nastepna tripa po kanionach.
Nasz wypad mial charakter bardziej rekreacyjno wypoczynkowy niz wspinaczkowy, ale widoki mowia same za siebie.

 Let's stop here and let me tell you a quick story.
So we're in the middle of nowhere.
A bunch of ladies.
And you know, from time to time, us girls need more bathroom stops than gentleman do.
But we're driving and driving, miles and miles.
There's nothing.
All of the sudden we see this place with ridiculously overpriced gas.
Fortunately we had plenty of gas.
Unfortunately our personal tanks were quite full too.
So we stopped and walked inside.
And there is this lady who looked like someone straight out of some cheap horror movie.
We're about to order some non alcohol drinks and refresh a bit when we get a closer glimpse of her.
She's old and creepy.
And...her hands...I mean...there was something seriously wrong with the place.
I usually never make fun of injured people, but what I saw creeped me out.
We gave each other terrified looks, and just then we see a group of old zombie looking people coming inside.
I looked around and saw some weird furniture and an old refrigerator too.
All I could think about was some horror film, and we were about to be the victims.
'Let's get out of here'- I whisper, and as quick as we came in we're spinning out and getting out of there.

Zatrzymajmy sie na chwile, zebym mogla Wam opowiedziec pewna historie z dreszczykiem.
Wiec jestesmy po srodku niczego.
Same kobitki.
A wiecie jak to z kobitkami, lazienka jest obowiazkowym przystankiem srednio, co jakas godzine.
Dobra zartowalam, troszke rzadziej.
Mija mila za mila, a my nadal jestesmy po srodku niczego.
I nagle wylania sie to oto miejsce, rodem z horroru, po srodku niczego, z najdrozsza cena benzyny, jaka kiedykolwiek widzialam.
Na szczescie bak jest pelny.
Zatrzymujemy sie na pustym parkingu i wchodzimy do srodka.
I nagle znajdujemy sie w rzeczywistosci taniego horroru.
Zastanawiajac sie nad czyms do picia lub jakas przekaska, dostrzegamy za lada starsza pania.
Niemila, pomarszczona i w podeszlym wieku.
I...nagle spogladajac na jej dlonie przeszywa mnie zimny dreszcz.
I... nie chodzi tutaj o robienie zartow z ludzi poszkodowanych w wypadkach.
Trudno opisac to co zobaczylam, ale szturchajac Darie w ramie i widzac strach w jej oczach, uznalam, ze czas najwyzszy ewakuowac sie z tego miejsca.
W tym samym czasie otwieraja sie drzwi i do srodka wchodza dziwnie wygladajacy starsi ludzie, a ja coraz bardziej czuje sie jak w tanim horrorze.
Rozgladajac sie dookola zauwazamy dziwnie wygladajace lodowki i stare meble.
"Spadamy"- mamroce pod nosem, ale na tyle glosno by uslyszaly mnie Alex i Daria.
I tak szybko jak sie tu pojawilysmy, tak szybko odjezdzamy z piskiem opon i klebkiem kurzu za Juicy Carem.

Powyzej na obrazku widzimy jak mozna dorobic sie $$ kupujac pustostan, gdzies na koncu niczego.
A wiec kupujemy ziemie(z reguly za niewielkie pieniazki) i jezeli mamy szczescie znajdujemy rope.
Montujemy takie o to cos, ktore sie kiwa, pompuje ropke, a my zgarniamy monety.
Otaczamy teren plotem, bo co nasze to nie panstwa.
Nikt nie ma prawa wstepu, bo jak cos to wystawiamy giwere.
Najlepszym przykladem jest Pan co chodzi boso przez swiat.
 Four Corners Monument

Placed in Navajo Park, on the corner of Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado.
The one and only place where four states intersect at one point so as you can see, you can be in four places at the same time.
It's situated in the middle of nowhere so when you're going there, make sure you check what time it closes.
(We didn't check and ended up having to come back the next day)
Admission: $5

Jak znalezc sie w 4 miejscach w jednym czasie?
Wystarczy odwiedzic Four Corners Monument, ktory znajduje sie na granicy stanow: Arizony, Utah, Nowego Meksyku i Kolorado na ziemi nalezacej do Indian Navajo.
Miejsce znajduje sie posrodku niczego, wiec nalezy pamietac o sprawdzeniu godzin otwarcia, zeby nie pocalowac zamknietej bramy tak jak my.
Na szczescie udalo nam sie wrocic nastepnego dnia.
Wejscie kosztuje $5.

 When we reached Colorado (in shorts!!!) we were unpleasantly surprised by the snow.

Kiedy dotarlysmy do stanu Kolorado zastal nas snieg, na ktory totalnie nie bylysmy przygotowane, paradujac w szortach.
 Canyon Lands

Bryce National Park

Success in climbing up some 'windows'.

Nie bylabym soba, gdybym nie wdrapala sie na jedno z popularnych "okien".

Arches National Park

We were startled by the snow up in Utah so we ended up crashing on a big bed in a motel instead of camping and freezing to death.

W naszym planie nie bylo miejsca na snieg, ktory zaskoczyl nas w Utah wiec zdecydowalysmy sie wynajc pokoj czy tez jedno wielkie lozko, zeby nie marznac na kempingu.

Zax Restaurant

 96 S Main St, Moab, UT 84532

Pay $12 and eat as much as you can: soup, pizza, and salad.
I was pleasantly surprised by the creamy beer soup - there's a first time for everything!

Miejsce, gdzie za $12 mozna jesc ile wlezie: zup, pizzy i salatek.
Po raz pierwszy mialam okazje sprobowac zupy piwnej, ktorej kremowy smak milo mnie zaskoczyl.

P.S Next episode: Power foods for your busy schedule!
W nastepnym odcinku: Zdrowe posilki dodajace energii dla zapracowanych.